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You have to start sometime

This is my first blog. I have never before had the desire to publicize my opinions, interests, or ideas. But, at the age of 66, why not? I will post my personal history and, of course, books of interest to me, later. Here are some comments about how I approach reading:


- Kindles, i-pads, etc. be DAMNED! I have been reading REAL books and magazines for 60 years and have no appreciation for digital information (Is it hypocritical to say that while I'm posting to my first blog?...hmmm). I like the appearance and feel and smell of a book.


At my age I'm a traditionalist. I like history and biography and classical literature and have developed no interest in modern authors. I have been reading and studying the Greek tragedies for about 25 years and have a large collection of books about them. More on this subject later.


I am retired and have lots of time for reading now. I usually rise between 3:00 and 4:00 AM and read for 4 hours or so. This is the part of my day that I enjoy the most. I have more reading time in the afternoons and evenings. I usually read 100-150 pages a day (No thank you, Evelyn Wood!).


I am fastidious about my books. My family and friends say that when I finish a book, you can't even tell that I read it. Some of my family members DESTROY them in one reading. I never dog-ear a page, but use bookmarks. I never open them severely enough to break the binding. I know...it's anal...but it's me.


OK...enough for now...back to the books!